Hello, Mark. Great idea. I'll kick off then by saying I'm a freelance writer, in London, England, and write about life, literature and writing on my newsletter Eclecticism: https://terryfreedman.substack.com/. At the moment I'm collaborating with several people, or recently have been: @rebeccaholden @nathanslake and @juliehester. I have a few more lined up but won't name them yet as I don't like to count my chickens prematurely. Always open to more collabs if the fit is right!

Hope you're feeling better now btw. Cheers

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I appreciate the well wishes. There's always something interesting and useful in Eclecticism!

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Thank you, Sir. My cheque is in the post. 🤣 Likewise yours of course. I especially liked the 10,000 hours one -- it needed to be said.

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Yeah, it's one of those evergreen topics.

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Hi there! I hope you're doing OK. Hospitals are rarely fun places to be - I hope you get home well and happy soon.

I'm a British voiceover, composer and writer. I'm one of the 'Mind the Gap' voices on London Underground. You are likely to have heard me in commercials, games, apps and so forth. I also played the part of the Starship Avalon in the movie Passengers.

My newsletter is Who Do You Think I Am? It's behind-the-scenes diary entries from my sound studio.

Take the best care! :)

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Thanks Emma! Your newsletter is quite interesting!

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Thanks so much for checking it out! I'm glad you like it.

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Okay that’s a super cool job! How did you get into doing voiceovers?

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I started as a kid of 15 working with the BBC (I used to do lots of radio drama, light entertainment and some quite high brow poetry reading for them). Then I sort of slinked into recording commercials and it all bloomed from there!

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You are so famous! Have you ever thought how many people have heard you say "Mind The Gap" as they traveled the Northern Line? Though perhaps not quite as many as the male voice that used to be exclusive, if I remember correctly from growing up in a very sexist UK...

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What’s on the menu for hospital lunch today? I had a tomato grilled cheese with fries (in Moncton today)

Hi HATTERs! I’m Alison. I write Subject Headings, which Mark kindly links regularly. I’m a hospital librarian in New Brunswick. I like cake and red lipstick, and I read a lot, not defeating librarian stereotypes. Current obsession is trying to perfect my camping menu for my next trip (I have a propane stove and this has been the first summer out with it).

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"Room service" brought me Shepards Pie (?), which I would not normally choose but I liked it well enough. Everyone should check out Subject Headings!

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I like cake too. Unfortunately, I have to eat according to a simple formula: if I like it, I'm not allowed to have it.

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I don't like that math!

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You think I do? 😂

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I think we should all enjoy cake as much as possible.

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Have you picked up Chris Nuttall-Smith’s new cookbook, Cook it Wild? Full of inspo, even if I will never make paella in the bush

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I haven’t but I’ll check it out!

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Hope you're okay, Mark! And get well soon.

To everyone else, I'm a relatively new H.A.T.T.E.R., an organic chemist turned financial analyst turned stay-at-home-dad, an aspiring novelist, and the madman behind the acerbic, satirical newsletter Field Research.

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Thanks Amran, that's quite a combo. I have to ask: do you have a favorite molecule? Field Research is a blast.

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Gingko biloba was a fan favorite in our research lab, and one I'm particularly fond of. You have to build the 3-D model to fully appreciate it.


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Thanks for the kind words on my madness! If anyone else wants to check it out, this post is representative: https://agowani.substack.com/p/there-goes-the-neighborhood

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I'm Anick, I riff about all things productivity, personal development and Bullet journals. I'm a crafter, a crazy cat lover and an absolute book nerd. I write a bi-weekly newsletter here on Substack and I'm having a blast!

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Hi Anick, thanks for stopping by. I think we've recently subscribed to each other, so I've got some time to check yours out in more detail!

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yes we have! I think we crossed paths on Noted open thread, is that possible?

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Could be, yes!

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I'm David Roberts. and write about culture, including books movies, and music. Below is my recent post about Primo Levi and Forgiveness and then my bio from my "About" page.


I’m 61 years old. I had a forty year career in finance and now devote myself to reading, writing, and thinking. My substack is free.

I bring the perspective of my career, my decades of reading (and re-reading), and my observations about family dynamics. Married 38 years, three adult children (two married,) one grandchild, and one Shih Tzu named Sophie.

Lifelong resident of Manhattan.


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Hi David, thanks for introducing yourself. Your current situation is what I would love mine to be within 10 years!

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I hope you recover quickly Mark! I'm Emily and work in community development finance by day and read, write, and art by early morning and whenever kids are asleep or otherwise occupied. I have a Substack that functions as a place to post my thoughts once they have coalesced enough to be coherent. My most recent quest is to understand how and why creating and consuming art supports personal transformation. I've posted recently on the topic and would appreciate your read and your thoughts on your own experience as a creator and consumer of art.

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Hi Mark and everyone -- I'm an astronomer and career educator writing about science junk and interested in just about everything. Been reading Mark's HAT for over a year now I think! One of my new favorite times is dedicating some of my Saturday mornings to a great chair, mug of coffee, and the ole iPad so I can try to catch up on the wide array of Stacks I'm reading.

Geez, hope you're home and comfortable soon, Mark! Best to you...

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Tad, you're one of the "early adopters"! Greatly appreciated!

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Hi, I'm DB. I'm a filmmaker and writer publishing on https://polarisdib.substack.com and I just published a longread essay on the STSC Substack ( https://soaringtwenties.substack.com ) about what the SAG x WGA strikes mean to the audience in terms of the platforms they use and access to content they have. Bonus considerations regarding IP rights in an AI world.

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Thanks DB. I highly recommend that essay. You did a great Q&A for H.A.T. a few months ago.

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This essay was great! Bird's-eye view of how the industry operates and what faces actors, writers, directors, and producers next.

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Hi Mark! I hope you get well soon, and can go home. Thank you for the invitation.

My name is Kate @MotleyStories. I am a new H.A.T.T.E.R from the UK. I was dismayed by the many family photos I have been given of people I can’t identify and even when I can, I know little about them. Also by the realisation, after my husband died, of the potential digital black hole all our photos, documents and books could end up in.

Through my writing I want to encourage people to write their stories, to sort and only keep their best photos, (and add captions) and give some advice about avoiding the digital dark hole. I want people to leave something for their future ancestor hunters - and social historians.

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Hi Kate, welcome. I'd say that's a worthy mission so good luck with that.

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Hello again Mark, and get well soon! My name is B.A. Lampman and I write Feed the Monster. My newsletter is not perhaps the easiest to define, but I'd say it's about creativity, wellbeing, vulnerability, and life in all its wack-a-doodle-ness. Feeding the Monster means feeding that part of yourself that is inquisitive, creative, and generative. You can read more about it here: https://balampman.substack.com/.

I'm interested in people and humour and art and writing and journaling... am in fact creating a journaling workshop that I hope to have ready this fall: https://balampman.substack.com/p/no-65-hardcore-journaling.

I'm also at work on a graphic memoir, a project very close to my heart: https://www.balampman.com/#/lifeswork/

OKAY, ENOUGH ABOUT ME! Rest up now, and thank you!

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Cool, good luck with the workshop!

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman

Hi folks. I record beats inspired by great works of art and write about them here at https://www.polyestercity.com ...also an archivist by day. So happy I set up shop here, I've met so many lovely and talented people.

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Welcome Peter!

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High five, fellow info person. I’m a hospital librarian.

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i now cant get image out iof mind of exactly what a "hospital library" even looks like!!

rest assured it has powerful overhead fluorescent lighting and some kind of cafeteria tables? chairs that retract? 😉😊

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Lol it looks pretty much like a mini version of a university library.

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its just i cant imagine wheeling down there to like check out a book after they just put a pin in my ankle after say falling off a roof lol

(i should be banned from this platform but,...tomorrow's another day....:)

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It’s for staff and physicians, not patients. Though some do let patients in - but it’s just limited computer use and some health info.

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kewl so no bandages on hand or emt training

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Cool, how does being an archivist work? I'd love to read a post about that....

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Hi! I take care of the history of the school where I work. Oraganize and curate collections, displays, etc. Fun stuff. Touching on archives a BIT in an upcoming PC episode, but would love to do a full one...need to find a piece of art to use as the inspiration for it! Always open for suggestions!

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Hi Mark, Sorry to hear about your hospital stay. Sending you lots of healing thoughts and I hope you will be feeling like new again soon! Thanks for the invitation to share.

I'm a retired teacher living in Nova Scotia, who now gets to be a visual artist full time. Yay! Being in nature and working from life in rural areas is where I find inner joy. One of my main artistic goals, is to highlight the beauty of everyday occurrences that happen within one's day based on our natural world.

My Substack is about my artistic musings where I love engaging with other nature/art lovers!


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Thanks Debbie!

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Gorgeous works, Debbie! *hits subscribe*

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Big waves and thank you so very much Bryn! Truly appreciated...looking forward to getting to know you. 🙋‍♀️💗

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Hi Mark. I'm a writer living in the NYC area. I'm working on a memoir and poetry. My Substack is the main thing I want to promote. It's mostly about me and my goings on, and writing and this and that. It's a work in progress!

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Thanks Marie!

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Important question, Mark (and H.A.T.T.E.R.s): Vanilla Pudding or Chocolate? And do you eat pudding outside of the hospital?...I personally had chocolate pudding last night (Hope you get well soon!)

I'm Tami- a Creative Multitude (writer, actor, story strategist) always trying to find extraordinary ways to tell ordinary stories to bring us closer together and back to ourselves. I write about real life through popular over on Outsourced Optimism where I'm currently hosting Camp AweGust, a (free) 4-week virtual Summer Camp for stuck creatives and nostalgic grown ups. (consider this your invitation!)

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I gotta go with chocolate pudding.

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Hope you feel better soon, Mark!

I’m Priya and I write about going on journeys (life, hero, heroine, etc), and the common mile markers we encounter. I do this through personal essays and a lot of forest-related imagery and metaphors.

Like this one: https://tenthousandjourneys.substack.com/p/ten-thousand-journeys

Thank you for this opportunity, Mark!

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You are welcome, thanks for stopping by!

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman

Hi Mark, I'm Stephanie (as you know) - I write about risk in all its aspects: macro like climate and AI, personal risk-taking and hedging, brewing financial-system risks, societal risks like not having enough starter homes for new generations of homebuyers. Anything that reads as risk, I will cover it (and I welcome emails with topic ideas you'd like to see).

I also have highly eclectic reading interests and voraciously enjoy Substacks on all sorts of different topics, so am looking forward to finding some new subscriptions here.

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Thanks for stopping by, Stephanie, your newsletter is excellent.

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Hi y'all. I've been on Substack since last December, I live in Chicago with my husband. I write short stories, flash fiction, some personal essays. I just started submitting things to literary magazines to see what would happen, have gotten 3 rejection letters so far, but I'm ok with that. I hang out on Notes a lot when I'm not at my day job.

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Hi Kim, good luck with your submissions!

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Me too Kim, I think it’s just about plodding on and doing the work. Good luck!

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Hi, Mark. Get well brotha.

Slow day on my end. Walked to my favorite coffeehouse in the Vegas heat this morning. Phone call with a landscape architect by phone. Met with a men’s clothier.

Picked up a good tan (that’s obviously a joke). Had some grass fed burgers and an avocado 🥑 for lunch. Now lying in bed in deep reflection.

For whatever reason this article has been on my mind. Wrote it almost a year ago in September. It’s one of my three most popular Substack pieces. Go figure.


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Hey D-M, sounds like a good day. Good use of mise en place concept, too.

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Yup. But breaking news. The effects of Hurricane Hilary are headed to Vegas. Makes me wanna go gamble at the craps table

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I'm a new reader of How About This. My name is Jason McBride. I'm a poet and indie comic artist. I write Weirdo Poetry where I share poetry comics, pictures of my notebooks, and thoughts about creativity, art, and noticing. https://weirdopoetry.substack.com/

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Great stuff there!

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I work as a programmer, I do film photography on the side. I studied journalism in school and I'm interested in creative non-fiction writing. I tend towards messiness.

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Messiness is not unnatural!

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Hi! I'm a writer, filmmaker and Tarot reader (and Tarot deck creator). I write two substacks, one, Spark Dept., about writing, film, and art — and the other, Spark Magic, about Tarot.

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Sorry about the hospital bed … and THANKYOU for this opportunity.

John Philpin - big proponent of ‘Thinking Allowed’.

My Substack ( https://substack.philpin.com ) primarily explores the intersection of people with technology and how we ensure that People have the ‘right of way’ at that intersection.

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Thanks John!

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman

Hope you're getting better, Mark!

I'm a new H.A.T.T.E.R. I write about technology for the day job and science fiction on my own time. My Substack (which is 100% free) should be linked up there by my name. If I'm not writing, I'm probably cycling, rucking, or swinging a kettlebell.

I'm also looking for like-minded Substackers to collaborate with.

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Hi Eric, hope to get back to you soon!

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Hey there Mark, hope you recover. soon. I am wrapping up season one of my serial Vision Quest. https://scottocamb.substack.com/p/vision-quest

I also write stories about motorcycles and growing up in the country.

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Cool, thanks Scott!

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Hope you’re feeling better soon, fearless leader (T.O.P. H.A.T.?) 🎩

Hello, fellow H.A.T.T.E.Rs 👋 My name is Bryn, and I write Campfire Notebook: https://brynphd.substack.com, where I nerd out to explore the intersection of science and art on a main feed, and more personal (but often equally nerdy) ‘Sidequest’ essays about my off-hours hiking, birding, reading, drinking inhuman amounts of coffee, etc.

Mark’s the reason I heard of and came over to Substack, so you’re welcome or I’m sorry. 😅

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Everyone needs to check out Bryn's newsletter!

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Hello all, I like putting out pondering as about the human condition, books, nature and art. I’m a psychotherapist , eco therapist and supervisor. I write, paint and sometimes knit or sew things.

Hope the hospital stay is going well!

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All of these sound very up my alley, Wendy...the confluence of science and art...and I’m intrigued by “eco therapist”. What does that mean?

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Hi Bryn, it means that I’ve had some training in thinking about ourselves in relation to the natural world, how we interact together rather than thinking of ourselves as separate from it. It started when I was seeing young people in therapy coming with what’s termed ‘eco anxiety’ - worries about what’s happening around climate change, and how any future children are going to be affected by such changes, and so on. It’s really an interesting area.

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Hope it’s not too cheeky to put this in here, but if anyone fancies offering feedback on my newsletter (they are short!!) that would be much appreciated - thank you, and thanks to Mark for this thread!

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman

hey, I'm a marketer that just moved to NYC from Nashville. I also write a Substack, mostly about writing + culture + books.

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I'm Matt. I write about funny and interesting things that have happened in my life. I also write fiction. In fact, I just released a new piece of fiction on my 'stack. And to round things out, I also draw and do digital art. You'll find some of my artwork on various newsletters.

Hope you are doing well now Mark.

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Thanks Matt, I'm on the mend.

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Hello, HATTERS! I’m Bryan - American ex-pat living in England. I’m a philosophy/English teacher and write The Bus - which has become a way of off-loading various bits and pieces of interests and information. Great to hear you’re on the mend. The world needs more HATs!

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Thanks for the opportunity, Mark. Foremost, get better and get home! As someone who's spent considerable time in the hospital the past few months, I know how tiresome it is on the body and mind.

My Substack "Live Life Rare" started with a narrow focus on the rare disease community, but I'm expanding a bit to write more about what it means to "discover and pursue what a rare life means to you." This evening I published a story illustrating that concept, one of my most personal stories to date. Folks so inclined can find it here: https://liveliferare.substack.com/p/our-neighbor-knew-how-to-live-life

I'm a former newspaper journalist who started and ran a marketing/communications agency for 24 years before selling it to a strategic acquirer on the other side of the country (during a pandemic, no less). My interests include business, relationships, history, writing, tourism, productivity, and, of course, living with a rare disease. Thanks again, and get better soon!

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman

Mark, this is a great idea, and thank you for having it and following up on it! I am an author, primarily of music-related books, and depending on your interests it may even be that you know one or two of them (or at least know of my subjects). However, I have such diverse interests and such a need to write about them, that I have been encouraged by friends to use Substack to hone in on the audience rather than the black hole of algorithms that is FB. I tout "Tony Fletcher, Wordsmith" as "An author, musician, traveler, and runner's musings on writing, music, travel, and falling over."


In my first month online my weekend long articles have been primarily related to music but have also included a travel story. I offer Midweek Updates that are more news- and recommendation-based. I also host two podcasts: one about Fanzines, the other called One Step Beyond, under the umbrella of "positive engaging with the world outside our door." So far I have found Substack to be a civil place, a rewarding place, and somewhere I frequently find writers to look up to.

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Ah! Welcome to Substack Tony! I've got a number of your books on my shelf. Perfect Circle is tremendous.

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Hello Mark, glad to see you are on the mend. I'm a new H.A.T.T.E.R. and new to Substack. I am so grateful to have found and continue to discover so much talent and diversity, and I am thoroughly enjoying making meaningful connections.

I am based in Kent, England, and write The Bite Of The Sun, showcasing someone else's creation alongside one of my poems. I am also writing a memoir. I am fascinated by words, art in its myriad manifestations, people, pets, nature, food, and as a previous substance misuse counsellor, all things related to psychology. Looking forward to making further connections; just from the responses to your invite, I have just subscribed to several other writers, thank you!

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Hi Mark, I hope you're on the mend and feeling a little better every day. I've been reading and enjoying your HAT for a little while now. I look forward to future brilliance!

I write 2 substacks. One is a fantasy lifestyle newsletter called The Enchanted Life

(Where the dragons go for a quick nibble!)


And the other is about increasing our self-reliance & growing our own food no matter where we live

Adaptive Living


Hope you get home soon!

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Hi, Mark. I write Personal Canon Formation. I’m an career academic trying the escape the constraints of academic writing. Trying to fight the good fight as a progressive in the Deep South, specifically Mobile, Alabama, where I live with my wife and three dogs. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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Hi, Mark: I was a freelancer in the US (Baltimore/DC area) before moving to Berlin in 2008. I believe I may have just opened the first German-language Substack, basically a translation of my principal "Berlin Stories" work -- 20th-century Art/Theater/Film history from here that I've been producing for (US/UK) export. https://toppersherwood.substack.com (German= toppersherwoodde.substack.com )

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laughed while scanning your posts

especially the will work for mini eggs and somewhere about admitting you were a "nosey bugger" funny

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This is great! I am a Scientist interested in the newest in Neurotech and medical technology. I love writing about neuroscience and simplifying complex scientific concepts so that more people get interested in the science while learning to filter my thoughts along the way! Feel free to visit my page and request topics that might interest you...and I will write about them.

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Oh gosh, I get to be Commenter #100! Mark, I sincerely hope you made it out of the hospital and are comfy back at home and well on your way to complete recovery. I'm Ann, a naturalist and dental nurse, who leads a double-life in North Carolina. When I'm not fixing teeth for incredibly funny and honest people who "no offense, hate to come" see me :) I wander in the gorgeous NC forests and write about creative ways to enjoy 72 Seasons of the natural year. This is an ancient Chinese idea that delights and fascinates me. Come walk with me over at Microseasons @72seasons.substack.com

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I'm Bih. I'm a senior in college. I'm particularly interested in film and self improvement. I also write about reflections regarding culture, relationships, love, family, and most recently film on my newsletter Food for Thought https://foodforthought222.substack.com/ that is currently celebrating three years!

Here's to hoping for a quick recovery Mark!

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deletedAug 18, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman
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Thanks Bruce, things are improving!

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