deletedJul 8, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman
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Thanks Bruce, I hope you are well

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What Mark said! (Except I haven't been able to try Threads bc of EU privacy issues. I'm sure these will be fixed by Meta; the market is too big and wealthy for it be ignored. And if not then Mastodon or similar wins).

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Probably the EU will extract some concessions from Meta and then it will happen.

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Exactly. Good for everyone in that case 😀

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Thanks Mark. Agree with most of this.

Can you explain what you mean by LinkedIn and not crossing the streams?

I’m in a position where my main social media following is on LinkedIn which is a little frustrating.

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Hi Martin. Linked In is my one professional social media account and I really don't do much there. I use the phrase don't cross the streams because for a number of reasons I keep my professional and social media lives separate.

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That is exactly how I feel about Bluesky. I really like it! But no one’s there yet, and I’m always a little worried about invite-only places because of that (a moment to remember Google+). Threads has been delightfully fun so far, but needs those updates to make it viable long term. And I’m really enjoying how Elon is shitting his pants over this - threatening to sue, having to see Threads trend on Twitter. I’m with you in wanting Threads to succeed for that alone, though trading one gross billionaire for another isn’t great.

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Gosh, Google+... yet another of the disappointments from the Alphabet corporation. Threads is kind of the lesser of evils at the moment. And it's wonderful to be bantering with unhinged friends again.

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Yes to all of this! And finding my Twitter people on Threads is why I'm hoping it actually works, despite my Meta trust issues.

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Interesting about Notes having c. 1,000-2,000 participants (a rumor or surmise?). When I read that in your piece, I thought that it was a reassuringly LOW number. Manageable. Large enough to have some variety. But small enough that you could imagine walking around the circumference of the community. But Threads' throngs inundate ... me at least.

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Notes use base is a surmise, I don't know the actual number. Easy to drown on Threads, like Twitter.

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Are you familiar with the Dunbar Number? Basically, it's the maximum number of people you can hold an actual relationship with (there's debate about whether this number is 150 or 500+, but the underlying concept seems likely).

The thing I loved about the early days of twitter was that you stayed within the Dunbar Number, so it remained truly "social." Small enough that people and brands didn't invest time there for its distribution potential, though large enough that you could connect with "your people" in a variety of topics, the same way you could back in the early days of blogging, too.

That's what I've enjoyed about Notes so far, along with being able to have more substantive discussions than what you find on the big apps.

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Yup, familiar with Dunbar and I get the point. Notes is still at a manageable size.

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“The real magic is in people and relationships, not the quality of your surroundings” yes! Love this!

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Thanks, I trust your travel went well?

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Still waiting and seeing on Threads, as I’ve heard a lot about that deluge of vapid thoughts (present company excluded, of course!) I’m trying to be strategic in sharing invites; my last one went to a science communicator I’ve collaborated with and who will hopefully bring more of our patient engagement community over. (At least until BlueSky removes their head from their posterior re invite only.)

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Yup, lots can happen with a platform.

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Interesting read. Enjoyed your take on these platforms.

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This was great, Mark. I love the positivity! A breath of fresh air amongst all of the Debbie Downers.

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I think it's important to remember that it's still early days.

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I have a Bluesky invite, but they want me to use the app.

Eww, no.

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Good thoughts! I like Threads well enough, but as the stream volume increases, I'm really hoping for (a) a desktop interface, since that's where I spend most of my time, and (b) lists! Twitter Lists made the whole thing way more manageable.

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I think lists would be great.

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I never had a Twitter account.

I was actually thinking about opening up Threads because I need to get in the game if promoting my work, and I have a more art-and-follower network on Instagram vs family and school acquaintances in Facebook.

But to use Threads in any way meaningful to me, I would need a chronological feed and browser access.

Which is why I've never used Instagram for promotion.

Oh well.

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The big key here is to never build a business on a platform you don't control. They change, go away, get taken over by billionaires, or held hostage by the never ending search for higher profits. Play with them, but stay in a position where you can leave at a moment's notice without irreparable harm. The social pressure and prevailing cultural "story" about social media as a necessary evil is only true if we allow it to be.

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Back in 2008, Twitter was fun, a charming neighborhood to hang out in. As it started to change (which I fully blame Ashton Kutcher for; it was the start of the demise), I employed Lists, where Smart Twitter and Funny Twitter resided (I'm grateful to many of them for getting us through the pandemic and helping me remain a NOVID, and laugh when not much was funny). I miss the humor, knowledge and engagement that happened at Twitter, but not the burning dumpster-fire sh!tshow is spiraled down to. It seems that most of us have given into Threads just to all be together in one place again (and to flip the bird to Musk). I've enjoyed muting a bunch of annoying bluechecks there and hope that the follow view hits soon so I can see the people I actually want to see. It's such a shame that, in 2023, we still can't have nice things. Except maybe Notes (but fair share of misogyn about, and trolls that Hamish sees no point in curtailing). Ugh. xo

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Hi, Mark, It's been a while since we communicated--my apologies. So helpful about Meta threads--as I am so bad about social media outreach. I won't even bother with it. TY and all best, Mary

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No worries, Mary and thanks for stopping by.

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