Ran a half marathon in April just to prove to myself I could 😂

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When I was running regularly I think that half marathons were my favorite races! Not that I was racing but they still felt like a great accomplishment. I finished a full marathon seven years ago which was quite an experience but not something I'd want to do again! At least not that specific experience!

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I want to do three Indy half next May, but my body is still recovering from the last one. I've had to pull back my training runs. The most I've run since April is 5 miles.

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Recovery is important!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman

That's SO great! I did that a few years back and it remains one of my greatest achievements.

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Interesting that this should land in my inbox today. I've been dabbling in watercolour painting, and now neurographic art. My family asked me "Why?"

My response, "why not?"

Thank you for the pep talk!

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Go for it!

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Same - for philosophy, politics, and psychology - family asks, I say, "why not?". It's great to know that I'm not the only crazy one, haha.

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The courage to try something new or challenging makes us stretch and in doing so we earn the respect of our self.

I've been writing about staying in our comfort zone/being stuck in autopilot vs doing the hard thing. Why would we do that when we could sit on the couch surfing? To feel alive, to know you can do hard things so when you are met with a life challenge you have greater depth of character to get through it.

Love this Mark, thanks! I'm here on Substack, that's my new thing for now.

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Thank you for this Mark!

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Funny thing, I wanted to attempt to record an entire podcast in Spanish today!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman

Mark! I needed this this morning. I've been challenging myself a lot lately: it's invigorating and also terrifying.

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You are welcome!

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Needed this pep talk today. Thank you. :)

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Good luck with whatever it is!

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Dear Mark Dykeman, your TODO appeal reminds me a little bit of an old Robert Crumb comic: „ Keep on tracking!“. :-) But seriously, people won‘t react to it. Why? Because the advantage of NOT to change things is bigger. People first have to understand their resistances, they literally have to FEEL their resistances. And then they have to get an idea, why a new advantage on the long term is more motivating rather than a short term reward. Mostly they choose the short term reward and feed their resistances.

Enjoy! Volker from Berlin

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Let's see how it goes, this is my own try experiment. :)

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So true Volker. If a person isn't familiar with their buddy Resistance they may get derailed when they try a new endeavor. There are so many ways we can work with and get past resistance once we recognize it and know it's going to show up. It's interesting though, the better I get at it the trickier and more subtle the forms of resistance are. It certainly outsmarts me many times.

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I've designed a self-degree in an attempt to learn philosophy, political science, and psychology - this post motivated me to keep at it, thanks!

I speak more on my project: https://humanpolitics.substack.com/p/the-ppp-project

Running... gotta do that, ah. OK, I promise to do it in 2025. Or 2026.

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I don't remember much from fourth grade, but I do remember one of the teacher's mantras:

"Can't never did anything...it died in the battle of try."

Thanks for the inspo, Mark!

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So much to think about here, Mark - I'm saving this post right now!

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Of course it is „Keep on trucking!“, sorry :-)

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