And you got an article out of it. 😁

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Hey, why not?

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Ah, so good to see you back here! Lovely!

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Thanks Mary!

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'Dra wing' ALONE is reason to hate this book.

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I got another that may have been made in a European country, possibly Russia, and it's interesting.

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The "DRA WING" would annoy me the most. 😬

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Oh yes, indeed.

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Fire writing? Is it like stream of consciousness writing? It’s recommended for so many things. Supposed to be be helpful. Seems like it did you good

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--Free writing...

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So happy to see this post, Mark - the power of notebooks is amazing!

I was given a gorgeous sketchbook earlier this year, and I threw all of my self-imposed 'beautiful notebook' rules out of the window (for I hoard notebooks and sketchbooks that are 'too nice to use'). My new sketchbook is filling up - and not in order, but at complete random! - with experimental just-try-this stuff. Some is awful, some is REALLY awful, and some is nice. But I love it all, because of the learning-by-doing process which it represents.

My pocket notebook is the same. Everything goes into it as I think of it - real stream of consciousness stuff - and anything which sparks something interesting gets added to my writing notebook. Empty pages have such promise - more so once they're filled!

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What notebooks have given you a corresponding amount of pleasure?

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If you're asking which notebook brands that I prefer, I'll go with Leuchtturm1917 and Dingbats* although I'm using Nota a lot these days because they were on sale (all softcover so far). Oh! I also like the paper in Rhodia notebooks.

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