This is amazing, I'm a new subscriber and can't wait to dive in and read all the interviews. I especially love @Craig Burgess answer that he's glad that whole, weird internet saga is over! I'll be laughing about that one all day.

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Hi Donna, thanks very much for stopping by and your kind comment. Eager to hear what else you might have to say, thanks.

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What a great roundup! I'm bookmarking this to keep returning over time. Thank you :-)

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Thanks once again for being interviewed!

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Wow! A year of interviews. Those (and the various disquisitions about notebooks) have always been my favourite part of HAT. Looking forward to the next ones!

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That is a lot of interviews Mark! I always enjoy reading about what makes others tick. I've fallen behind on a bunch, so it's good to have this list. I can go back and review the ones I missed.

The last question is always my favorite. Everyone has a different idea of what they would do. It shows that we are not alike.

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Wow, what a great run-down, Mark - I'm going to be catching up on reading those interviews which pre-dated my time as a H.A.T.T.E.R.!

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There's more to come this week!

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Thanks so much for interviewing both myself and various members of the STSC gang. You coaxed some great answers out of us.

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T'was good fun.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Mark Dykeman

What an amazing year!

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I've especially enjoyed the interviews, Mark. You've had a great year. Nice to hear your thoughts as you've looked back.

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Thanks very much, I appreciate your comment!

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A wildly prolific year! And a very interesting one - I’ve really enjoyed reading the thoughts of everyone you’ve featured.

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That's an interesting way to describe it... and thank you very much!

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I love doing Zoom interviews too, and putting out the transcript. I just did one last week and am working on another. I agree that while it is a lot of work, it is so rewarding. Would be happy to be on the other end of the mic too -- it sounds like a fun experience to be interviewed by you.

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