I really enjoyed this, Mark! I enjoyed Tara's take on marrying art with math--and that it actually can be done! I have a degree in English but work as an IT security analyst. I work in a predominantly male company in a predominantly male field, so I understand what she means by feeling alone at times.

I also like the idea of running being "meetings with herself." I've been struggling lately with carving out time for me. I'm not a fan of exercise, but it's something I know I need to do. Perhaps I will imagine my time on the treadmill as meetings with myself. :)

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Thanks Holly, you never know what you might learn here. ;)

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I've always found people who are good at math interesting and infuriating. Infuriating because I barely passed college Calculus I with a C and interesting because of how they are able to see the beauty and the patterns in math. I've tried but I just can't figure it out.

Dr. Tara seems like a very inspirational and brave person. I can't imagine what it's like to build a professional life while also raising a child. As a woman in STEM it's also great to see someone I can look up to. Thank you so much for sharing!

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Lovely interview, Mark and Tara! I completely get you about the running being a meeting with yourself. I used to run but now I’m a walker and I treat the time I spend moving outside as time to clarify my thoughts. Regarding solitary exercise, I much prefer being solo than in a group of even two!

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It's great to see the personas behind such professionals and academics. I would like to know what she reads for pleasure. 🙂

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