In 2015 I took part in The 100 Day Project, and it's no exaggeration to say that it changed my life. I painted a portrait a day from the photos taken at Marina Abramovic's 2010 performance at MoMA, "The Artist is Present", and it kickstarted my art practice, 25 years after leaving art school. It took me to another place mentally and it showed me skills I didn't know I had. I keep *saying* I'm going to do another challenge someday—in fact when Austin Kleon wrote about it in October I dutifully printed out the 30 Day Challenge sheet he provided—but it still hasn't happened. It *is* a great thing to do though!

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022Liked by Mark Dykeman

A terrific post, Mark! What a great challenge to have set yourself. I agree with you about the importance of process, and that 'doing the work is its own reward'. I'm sorry to report that I'm a swift giver-upper, and often say that I only like to DO the things I CAN do..... so your post is an excellent reminder to me to go ahead and actually WORK on stuff that I'm daunted by, rather than just throw my usual 'I CAN'T!' at it.

I love the ideas you've shown us! I think number 5 is my favourite. Have you thought about including a question mark?

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Every few posts, in our. busy lives, there are those we simply cannot read only via the email. Wow need to come to the page. This is one of them! Good reminder, thanks,

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Thanks for sharing your stuff--especially when you feel it’s not that great.

I started a 100 Day Art Challenge for a colour a day using watercolours and doing a connected writing. But I got really sick and haven’t done any art for 2 weeks. Boo--not sure if I’m going to pick up where I left off or do something else.

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I actually like the original (blah) logo! But with so many fonts available the sky's the limit as far as the lettering style. I like Rebecca's suggestion for the question mark and maybe do something snazzy to emphasize the word 'This' (since that word refers to the subject of your post.) One design tip is to use two fonts and you could do the word 'This' in a different font or color...maybe both.

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022Liked by Mark Dykeman

I was just watching a warmup video for the Care December art challenge (which I may or may not actually do). Kasia Avery talked about process vs. product. I think even when we've got an end product in mind, approaching something from the process angle can take us in surprising directions. I also know that doing something outside of our usual comfort zone can feel awkward, but in my experience that feeling goes away the more I do it. Keep going! You're off to a good start.

Here's the video: https://youtu.be/x6HkSGDX0ZU

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Mark, amazing post as always. As I mentioned on my most recent posts, I decided to go beyond the 30 day challenge and make it a year long thing when it came to writing and publishing work online.

The process and struggle to find meaningful words has been rewarding and I hope to keep it strong. I needed to read something like this to keep me going.

Also I really like number 5 as a new design for HAT!

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Thank you Mark for sharing! Wise words and HATTER on! :)

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Mark Dykeman

This post was so inspiring. I've been feeling a bit bleary-eyed lately with too much computer screen time. Drawing in a notebook sounds like the perfect antidote!

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Inspired! When I had time off over the summer I was practicing calligraphy everyday. But, now that I’m back at work and things are busier, I haven’t picked up the pen in awhile. I think my December 30-day challenge will be to write everyday. I’ll pick one short quote to do every day, so when I look back at the end of the month I can see my improvement. Thank you!

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Thanks for being brave and sharing your efforts!! I too enjoy similar challenges. When the pandemic began in 2020 for my sanity sake I challenged myself to draw one rabbit a day for a month - and did! Not sure I was any more sane at the end of thirty days but I did have a lot of drawings of rabbits. 😁

Currently I'm enjoying the Ray Bradbury reading challenge - perhaps enjoying it more than is decent but 🤷‍♀️

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