How About These Links - Friday, Aug. 5/22
Let's see what the H.A.T. scouts have found this week.
Welcome to any recent subscribers and to our existing followers, thrilled to have you all here!
Here’s our weekly linkfest:
Some interesting ideas about improving science literacy by changing up science education a bit, including promoting cross-discipline reading and thinking (a topic that’s near and dear to my heart)
A short article about creative problem solving, a topic that I’ll be writing about later this year.
A summary of initial findings from the first two weeks of using the James Webb Space Telescope
An article about the value of repetition - I don’t think we always appreciate how it important it can be to repeat information
Little ways that the world works - this compilation of scientific principles and rules is quite an interesting read!
The Picasso Principle — Habits of Highly Prolific Minds - interesting take on the value of being a prolific creator, touching on the concept of deliberate practice than often gets mentioned (but not often enough, I think) with regards to the much ballyhooed (and misunderstood) 10,000 hours maxim, another future
ranttopic.I still wonder if Austin Kleon ever created an indexing system. I see he did something called fore-edge painting but I don’t think it’s quite the same.
Derek Sivers’ idea of a Possible Futures folder reminds me a lot of a Scanner’s approach
A few Substack reads that I’ve enjoyed:
Three key concepts right in the title!
I’ve only recently discovered Freddie deBoer and I’m curious to read more.
Important info for those of us who are wrong handed, I mean right handed.
For some reason I am a sucker for posts which talk about how people read.
Last, but not least, my daughter has started her own Substack newsletter, here's her first post!
Time to release the H.A.T. scouts and let them continue their exploration!
Some very interesting links and thank you for the shout-out :)